Cold Calling

Join the #DareToDialChallenge!

27 Aug
min read

Join the Nooks community for #DareToDialChallenge to share your story of overcoming call reluctance to inspire others to do the same. Here's how.

We’re excited to bring the #DareToDialChallenge to the Nooks Community.

The purpose of the challenge is to celebrate those who cold call and inspire others to overcome call reluctance.

All you have to do is:

1. Get your hands on a purple phone either via Amazon or make your own (we sent out so many and ran out, I'm sorry!).

2. Take a picture or video of yourself doing something challenging or out of the ordinary with your phone.

Some examples could be: Rock climbing, fishing, hiking, diving mid-air with the phone, a fun picture with pets, family, or whatever else you’re into. 

After that, post it on your own social media or write a post and we’ll post it on the Nooks page.

We’ll be asking the community to vote by EOD on September 16th.

If you win the vote - we’ll send you $500! So don’t be afraid to get creative. 

P.S. - You must tag Nooks in your post to be eligible.

#DareToDialChallenge Posts:

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Just for fun: 

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